Viewing Aquatic Facility Inspection Reports

The Houston Health Department Bureau of Consumer Health Services' role is to effectively utilize available resources to protect the community by administering the public health ordinances of the City of Houston and the State of Texas toward the prevention of disease, disability, and death resulting from waterborne illness, and swimming-pool drowning through enforcement and education. From this webpage you can view and print inspection reports for commercial pools and spas entered into our system over the past five years.

In order to provide the most accurate and up-to-date picture on the safety of pools and spas in Houston, commercial pool and spa inspection reports are available on this page as soon as they are entered into our system. These reports may be amended or superseded at any time due to quality assurance reviews, compliance checks or facility re-inspections.

These reports are intended to be a snapshot of the date and time that the inspection was completed and may not be representative of the overall, long-term or present sanitation and safety of a commercial pool or spa.

All commercial pool and spa inspection reports are believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of posting. If you have any questions, please call 832-393-5100, or email us at