FacilityRelated Reports IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 05/15/2024
265.195 Electrical Requirements for Pools and Spas
265.206 Water Quality at Pools and Spas
43-04 Operation -
757.009 Inspection Repair and Maintenance -
265.205 Operation and Management of Pools and Spas
43-31 Permitting Requirement -
757.006 Door -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 03/28/2024
43-31 Permitting Requirement -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 12/28/2023
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 08/21/2023
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 08/03/2023
265.206 Water Quality at Pools and Spas
757.004 Gates -
43-04 Operation -
265.205 Operation and Management of Pools and Spas
43-31 Permitting Requirement -
757.006 Door -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 07/11/2023
757.004 Gates -
43-04 Operation -
265.205 Operation and Management of Pools and Spas
43-31 Permitting Requirement -
757.006 Door -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
265.196 Lighting Requirements for Pools and Spas Constructed or Renovated on or After the Effective Date of this Subchapter
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 07/08/2022
265.195 Electrical Requirements for Pools and Spas
757.009 Inspection Repair and Maintenance -
43-31 Permitting Requirement -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
VGBA 1404 Federal Swimming Pool and Spa Drain Covers -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 07/16/2021
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
IAH 45 Airport Inn & Suites
12701 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77060
Date: 07/07/2020
0.00000 265.199 Specific Safety Features -
0.00000 757.004 Gates -
0.00000 43-31 Permitting Requirement -
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
0.00000 43-4 Operation -
0.00000 757.006 Door -