FacilityRelated Reports 406 Hawthorne Apartments
406 Hawthorne
Date: 06/24/2024
757.004 Gates -
757.004 Gates -
43-09 Approval of Plans -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
406 Hawthorne Apartments
406 Hawthorne
Date: 11/15/2023
757.004 Gates -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
406 Hawthorne Apartments
406 Hawthorne
Date: 11/01/2022
406 Hawthorne Apartments
406 Hawthorne
Date: 10/22/2022
757.007 Window and Window Screen -
757.004 Gates -
757.004 Gates -
43-04 Operation -
265.198 Pools or Spas Water Supply and Drinking Water for All Pools and Spas
265.200 Disinfectant Equipment and Chemical Feeders
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
757.003 Enclosure for Pool Yard -
VGBA 1404 Federal Swimming Pool and Spa Drain Covers -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
265.190 Circulation Systems for Pools and Spas
406 Hawthorne Apartments
406 Hawthorne
Date: 10/04/2021
0.00000 265.197 Disinfectant Equipment and Chemical Feeders -
0.00000 265.195 Drinking water -
0.00000 265.195 Drinking water -
0.00000 265.199 Specific Safety Features -
0.00000 265.199 Specific Safety Features -
0.00000 265.199 Specific Safety Features -
0.00000 757.004 Gates -
0.00000 43-9 Approval of Plans -
0.00000 43-31 Permitting Requirement -
0.00000 757.007 Window and Window Screen -
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
0.00000 43-4 Operation -
0.00000 VGBA 1404 Federal Swimming Pool and Spa Drain Covers -
0.00000 757.003 Enclosure for Pool Yard -
0.00000 265.187 Circulation Systems -
0.00000 265.187 Circulation Systems -
0.00000 265.187 Circulation Systems -
0.00000 265.187 Circulation Systems -
0.00000 265.187 Circulation Systems -