FacilityRelated Reports HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 04/17/2024
265.206 Water Quality at Pools and Spas
757.004 Gates -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 04/19/2023
757.004 Gates -
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 04/14/2022
0.00000 757.004 Gates -
0.00000 265.204 Water Quality -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 04/14/2022
0.00000 757.004 Gates -
0.00000 265.188 Filters -
0.00000 265.191 Surface Skimming and Perimeter Overflow (Gutter) Systems -
0.00000 265.185e(2) General Construction/Design -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 03/15/2022
0.00000 757.003 Enclosure for Pool Yard -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 03/10/2021
0.00000 265.197 Disinfectant Equipment and Chemical Feeders -
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
0.00000 43-4 Operation -
0.00000 757.009 Inspection Repair and Maintenance -
0.00000 265.187 Circulation Systems -
0.00000 265.185e(2) General Construction/Design -
0.00000 265.185e(2) General Construction/Design -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 03/10/2021
0.00000 265.197 Disinfectant Equipment and Chemical Feeders -
0.00000 265.199 Specific Safety Features -
0.00000 43-31 Permitting Requirement -
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
0.00000 265.186 Decks, Entry/Exit, Diving Facilities, Deck Equipment -
0.00000 265.185e(2) General Construction/Design -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 12/29/2020
0.00000 43-31 Permitting Requirement -
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
HOLLY HALL Townhomes
2820 Holly Hall
Houston, TX 77054
Date: 12/29/2020
0.00000 43-31 Permitting Requirement -
0.00000 43-35 Enforcement and Closure -