FacilityRelated Reports Blossom Massage
4818 Eli St
Date: 05/03/2024
265.185 Deck and Deck Equipment for Pools and Spas
0.00000 265.203 Pools Yard and Spas Yard Enclosures
265.205 Operation and Management of Pools and Spas
Blossom Massage
4818 Eli St
Date: 05/17/2023
265.193 Suction Outlet Systems (Suction Outlets) and Return Inlets for Pools and Spas.
265.185 Deck and Deck Equipment for Pools and Spas
0.00000 265.203 Pools Yard and Spas Yard Enclosures
0.00000 265.203 Pools Yard and Spas Yard Enclosures
0.00000 265.203 Pools Yard and Spas Yard Enclosures
43-31 Permitting Requirement -
265.198 Pools or Spas Water Supply and Drinking Water for All Pools and Spas
43-35 Enforcement and Closure -
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas
265.201 Safety Features for Pools and Spas